dinsdag 15 januari 2013

Kids Room.

I love to think about how to design kids rooms. It doesn't really matter if the room is ment for babies, toddlers or teens. As long as my fantasy wanders, I am happy. And of course I like to do it my own way, with fun prints, nice lightning, lovely posters, authentic furniture, a mix of colors.... Besides that I like to look at the functionality of the room. Do you need to feed the baby, or is there a storyteller that needs a big, comfortable and cosy chair. Do you like to have a tea party in your room or do you need space for all your favourite animals. When I discovered the mokkasin website, my heart jumped. What a wonderful things they have. I just love it. But also Annliz and Bodie & Fou have beautiful things for kids. Just take a look for now, and there is more to come in my next blog...

1. Annliz 2. Mokkasin 3.Bodie & Fou 4. Annliz

All pillows come from Mokkasin

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